i acted horribly and i feel horrible.
not that i want to act horribly, but some people just treat me horribly. how come i always get the youre too young treatment. i think people have and will always take me for granted.
i'm not welcomed in a lot of places and i know it. what makes it worst is that some people know it and dont care about it.
i get it, im too young, im too childish, im too insignificant. i dont like it when you take me for granted and jump into conclusions about how or what i feel. I too am human and i want to be treated like how you treat everyone else. just because im always caught up in or with something doesn't give you the right to say that i am always wrong and you know more than me. you are older than me but please dont make me feel small. you are older than me but don't make me feel inferior to you. that is why im afraid around you, because people around you have more to talk with than me who apparently knows nothing at all.