
posted by Joanna Mah on May 1, 2009

Breaking not judge.

you know what isn't very nice...its a little sad even?

i feel a little tinch in my heart when i see Christians judge other Christians. worst of all, you're suppose to be brothers and sisters in christ. it's just a random thought but internal gossips and conflicts are never the best. 
judging a person based on what they do in church or in a christian organization only tears the body apart. not to mention, not attending a meeting or conference would make you a bad christian. 

sometimes, people have their reasons that many may not understand. its tiring to keep having input and intake all the time. yes, indeed you need to be fired up and all ready when it comes to the work and word of the Lord..but everyone is truly human. people get tired of serving and when that happens, you are in danger.

avoiding burn outs are really the core of it. when you've been serving so much and being caught up with the other things in life, you then know you need to pull back and hit the breaks.
same goes with me. this past 4 months have been my lowest point yet. not everyone understands how truly torturing it was for me and how accomplished i feel for making it through. now then, i have compromised all my holidays because of my priorities for CF and i am left with 3 days before i start again. my life is not my own and i am not worthy to say i am 'entitled' to a break but that i am emotionally and mentally drained. i am exhausted and i would like to retain some things back by not going for more input.
Does that make me any lower than everyone else, now?

some people don't understand that going for say, to a friend's house is not the same as going for a conference. i am not physically tired, it's mentally. so since i am not going for some input, i cannot go to a friend's house? these are total different leagues. yes, rest at home. but what i need is to relax my mind.

i never thought i would say this but people who don't go to church for a period of time aren't bad christians. going to church is very important to me, but i think i understand now why people take breaks...because they need a break before the breaking point. if they have a valid reason for failing to attend church for extended periods, they probably are in a very low place in their life.

having said that, it is important to go to church though.

Hugs and kisses,
-Joanna, 12.25pm

1 butterflutterflies.:

Christina Liew Man Ling said...

me agree